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Writer: Dr ShashiBala Sao Dr ShashiBala Sao

Updated: Apr 8, 2022

Some early signs of pregnancy can give you a heads-up before you actually take the test. However, since many of these symptoms will be similar to those you have before your period, it can be difficult to tell them apart. It depends on the woman and the pregnancy, but the most important sign of pregnancy is a missed period, which can be confirmed by taking a pregnancy test.

Signs of early pregnancy may give you clues as to whether you're pregnant. Remember, Even if some of these symptoms occur, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're pregnant. You may have none of them and still experience a perfectly healthy pregnancy.

Usually, symptoms of pregnancy may appear within the first week after conception.

Some of the first signs of pregnancy are listed below.

1. Missed Periods

The absence of an expected menstrual period after a week or more may be a sign you are pregnant, however, this symptom may be misleading if you are not pregnant.

2. Implantation Bleeding

When a fertilized egg reaches the lining of a woman's uterus, she will experience implantation bleeding. In most cases, there will be very little bleeding and no need for medical attention. It may be necessary to see a health care provider in some cases if implantation bleeding occurs.

3. Nausea

The nausea and vomiting during the first trimester are the most common and the most severe. The vomiting is so intense that women with hyperemesis gravidarum lose weight and become dehydrated. Some changes in diet or eating habits may help with vomiting during pregnancy

4. Sore Breasts

It is common to experience sore nipples and tender breasts during pregnancy. Your breasts may feel swollen, tingly, or sore, and your nipples may feel extra sensitive. Many moms-to-be report breast pain appears as a dull ache, soreness, heaviness, fullness or tenderness, though some report sharp, shooting pain.

5. Fatigue

As a sign of pregnancy, you may feel tired and even exhausted during the first few months. Fatigue is an early sign of pregnancy, which nearly all women experience during the first trimester. Ideally, pregnant women should spend at least eight hours in bed every night. If possible, try to go to bed a little earlier than usual.

6. Constipation

Due to the higher hormone levels in your body during pregnancy, you may experience constipation. It is possible to notice changes as early as your second or third month of pregnancy. A healthy diet throughout your pregnancy is essential if you are suffering from constipation. This is due to the hormone (chemical) progesterone relaxing your bowels.

7. Mood Swings

There may be times when pregnant women become irritable or even angry.During pregnancy, some women may experience frustration, anger, and irritability similar to how they feel every month just before their period begins. If your mood fluctuations remain more than two weeks and don't seem to be improving, you should consult your doctor.

8. Abdominal Bloating

Bloating is one of the most common and unappealing early pregnancy symptoms, The hormone progesterone, which relaxes all of your muscles, is to blame for that gassy feeling. you would possibly locate relief from being pregnant gasoline with some brief food regimen tweaks, such as fending off fatty and fried meals and reducing down on beans, entire grains, and fuel-generating veggies like cabbage and broccoli.

9. Cramping

Almost 99% mothers- to- be will witness some mild cramps and pains throughout gestation. After all, your body is changing with each new day. And let’s face it — it’s not that easy to carry around a growing baby!

10. Frequent Urination

Pregnancy often causes frequent urination. It commonly starts in the early stages, lessens a bit in the second trimester, and intensifies again later on. During the third trimester, women tend to make more night time bathroom trips. When your kidneys do their job better, your body gets rid of waste more quickly (including baby's waste, since you'll be peeing two at the same time).

The symptoms listed above might be present in all pregnant women, or might be present in only a few pregnant women. If you have any bothersome symptoms, you can discuss them with your doctor so you can make a plan to cope with them.

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